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July 21, 2022

Get to Know The Dental Procedures for Perfect Smile Makeover!

All individuals go through different dental conditions in their lifetime as per age and need dental treatments sometimes. However, some go for cosmetic dentistry to enhance their appearance. The typical dental procedures include fillings, root canal treatment, extractions, braces, crowns, bonding, denture implants, veneer, teeth cleanings, and teeth whitening. Cosmetic dentistry has become popular as people want a perfect smile. It includes standard and specialized procedures for smile makeovers. The followings are some cosmetic dental procedures,

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments and Their Effects

Teeth Whitening/Bleaching:

Everyone wants white and bright teeth, which is the reason behind the popularity of this treatment. Teeth whitening is an easily accessible and affordable dental procedure for all. It improves smiles without being invasive, and its cost varies significantly from treatment to treatment and brand to brand. Take-home whiteners are not as effective as in-clinic teeth whitening treatment which lightens teeth color by two to nine shades. The results of this procedure last several months.


Many people who cannot find a solution through teeth whitening due to intrinsic tooth staining or some other functional reason go for porcelain veneers. A fabricated porcelain shell is fixed to correct worn enamel, uneven alignment, unusual spacing, chips/cracks, or discoloration. Porcelain veneers are an excellent solution for clients who are unhappy with their teeth and smile. The veneer procedure permanently alters natural teeth. A veneer lasts 10 to 15 years, and its cost is relatively higher than teeth whitening and depends on various factors. A dental smile makeover, Orange County, offered by us is a reasonably priced quality treatment, including veneers for a perfect smile.

Invisible Braces:

Individuals looking for a better solution than a mouth full of wire and bracket braces in traditional orthodontics can opt for invisible ones, including ceramic tooth-colored brackets, inside braces, or Invisalign clear aligners for a beautiful smile. The cost is higher than veneers and differs from product to product. However, the patients can go for a more comfortable and affordable fastbrace procedure. The braces treatment typically takes a longer time as the clients must wear them for 18 to 24 months for alignment.

Gingival Contouring:

Some people’s gums are completely visible when they smile, and they don’t like their gummy smiles. For them, periodontists or orthodontists suggest and perform gingival contouring treatment. The qualified dentist known for care smile dental Orange County and others can give better cost estimates.

Composite Bonding:

This procedure repairs chips, cracks, and small gaps with tooth color composites such as fillings, crowns, and veneers. It is an affordable esthetic solution for dental smile makeover in Orange County. The cost varies depending on individual bonding, slightly more than teeth whitening.

Besides the above-mentioned procedures, many go for porcelain crowns (caps) and implants. The crowns can be all ceramic porcelain, a combination of ceramic porcelain and metal or gold with a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. They preserve functionality and enhance the appearance of the teeth. At the same time, the dental implants are natural tooth-like long-lasting esthetics providing strength and enhanced look.

A qualified dentist known for dental smile makeovers, Orange County, can offer the best advice for the suitable dental procedures for a perfect smile based on individual cases and conditions. Furthermore, he skillfully performs the procedures and provides pre-treatment and post-treatment guidelines for intended results.

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